Golden India Public School which has come up in an area of about five acre of land is a C.B.S.E. Pattern Co-educational School upto class XII having residential Hostel facility.
We at Golden India Public School believe that no matter what the background of a child may be, each student has tremendous potential that needs to be unearthed and brought to the fore.
Our vision, therefore, is to produce a responsible global citizen whose potential we have unleashed and who has a strong foundation of knowledge, skills and values essential to face the challenges of the modern world.
Our value and ethos are well grounded in our style of working and needless to say have been proved by the distinctive style by which we are managing Golden India Public School.
The main aim of the school is to impart an integrated education to the children to make them learn to live, to think freely, to love huminity, to behave respectfully, to develop self confidence, good character, leadership quality and overall personality to become civilised and good human being.
The schoool is committed to mould the raw material (children) into a strong iron manto face the rapidly changing world environment keeping a reverence for indian high rich legacy and heritage of the country.
1. Demonstrate continuing commitment to the widest possible access so that any boy who is awarded a place at the School will be able to take up his place regardless of the social, cultural, ethnic, religious or financial background of his family, thereby providing additional charitable public benefit.
2. Fortify the academic standing of the School, vigorously reaffirming its scholarly and academic traditions but also looking for appropriate opportunities to develop new strengths.
3. Promote successful, enthusiastic and inspirational teaching and learning within the context of a balanced curriculum.
4. Continue to improve existing and when required develop new accommodation, systems and facilities; and thereby provide a safe, well-maintained and effectively used environment for pupils and staff.
5. Promote the School and its work vigorously to existing parents, prospective parents, feeder schools, alumni and the local community; build upon the links established; encourage co-operation and partnerships with local schools and others in the wider community, seeking further opportunities to provide public benefit; and enhance the reputation of the School within the region, nationally and internationally.
6. Provide appropriate opportunities both for professional development and supportive performance management.
7. Provide coherent, clear and supportive management at all levels.
8. Provide strong pastoral and related support, with clear moral and spiritual foundations, for all ages.
9. Promote respect and tolerance for the individual and for individuality, develop independent thinking and learning for all pupils, encourage individual passions and enthusiasms both curricular and co-curricular, and endeavour to treat the boys within the School as individuals.
10. Develop within the School community as a whole qualities of leadership, creativity, appropriate risk-taking, and responsiveness to changes and challenges.
11. Encourage the widest possible participation in sports and co-curricular activities.
12. Provide appropriately for those who need additional support to fulfil their potential by virtue of physical or psychological disability or atypical learning style or process.